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Member since ‎02-04-2004

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My guest access through ISE is working find except I can't get it to flip the VLAN and move the guest PC to the guest VLAN. I have the Guest VLAN ID in the authorization policy. Can someone point me in the right direction with this?Thanks, D
I'm using PAT on the outside INT and have a web server on the inside. When I set the ACL to allow HTTP the users connect with no problem, but when I change the ACL to HTTPS they can't get in.
I have five cameras in the shop and all worked fine until I add the PIX 501 to the network. I put the static statements and ACLs in but when you go to the website and click on the camera feed you get the page can't be displayed. If i do a sh xlate I ...
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Member Since ‎02-04-2004 12:00 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 7