My guest access through ISE is working find except I can't get it to flip the VLAN and move the guest PC to the guest VLAN. I have the Guest VLAN ID in the authorization policy. Can someone point me in the right direction with this?Thanks, D
I'm using PAT on the outside INT and have a web server on the inside. When I set the ACL to allow HTTP the users connect with no problem, but when I change the ACL to HTTPS they can't get in.
I have five cameras in the shop and all worked fine until I add the PIX 501 to the network. I put the static statements and ACLs in but when you go to the website and click on the camera feed you get the page can't be displayed. If i do a sh xlate I ...
It looks like COA is taking place. SSID is not an issue, this is wired Guest access. Yes, COA is set to "reauth". I see in the logs were it issues a IP release and renew to the PC but don't see where the vlan is changed or trying to change.
The logs show a connection attempt to the serve that looks like S x.x.x.x/4200 D y.y.y.y/445 or some other number, but not 443. The HTTP logs show the same but the destination port is 80. I'll check the inside connectivity and see if it works.
Take a look at the following url will do what you want to do. I just don't know about the VPN connection.