ip nat inside source access-list 101 interface DS3 overloadaccess-list 101 will contain allowed subnets to be natted to DS3 and the overload keyword is basically saying that this is a PAT and not NAT.maybe you can have the same nat statement for the ...
what you need to learn is floating static routes and how they are binded with IPSLA/SAA objects.what you need to do is create static default routes pointing to differnet outgoing interfaces and to add automation and intelligence use IPSLA/SAA.Hope th...
try this and you will find your way ip nat inside source static tcp 8080 80what it will do is that any packet coming on at the public ip on port 80 will be redirected to private ip on port 8080.let me know if this helps.Re...
There is no reason wow must face latency if you download is using the other connection. I believe your download eats up the bandwidth on the wow internet connection OR WOW somehow uses the download internet connection. you need to be really sure the...
Dear,Is this not exactly what you have configured on RV042A - RV042 - Network 192.168.1.XXX (IP: Link BackupPrimary WAN: WAN1Enable Network Service Detection: TRUEWhen Fail: REMOVE THE CONNECTIONThe above line says if WAN1 and WAN2 a...