When you say they simply dial in, does your customer expect audio only or video also? Video is capable, but for video conferencing, I am not sure what video codecs and such will be negotiated.
If the customer has SmartNet, then they are covered for IOS upgrades and thus CME upgrades. Please make sure that there is enough memory to upgrade to CME 8.0, which requires 512MB to run on most routers.http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm...
There is a very simple CME deployment guide on the following page. https://www.myciscocommunity.com/docs/DOC-1523Check us out at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cisco-Communications-Manager-Express/103167066393948?v=photos&ref=ts#!/?ref=home
Using Cisco IOS 15.1.1T, CME 8.0 will be supported on the 2900 and 3900 series routers, along with the 2800 and 3800 series routers. With this new IOS, the 3925 will support 250 phones and the 3945 will support 350 phones. Also just recently announ...