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Member since ‎09-12-2022

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HiI am attempting to import Cisco Products' MIBs for usage in PRTG monitoring network and was wondering what each MIBs represents. I require the MIB of Cisco devices such as ASA Firewalls and Cisco Router and Switches, so that I can use their respect...
Hello  I would like to ask if it is actually possible for a Packet Tracer network to access the Internet. For my instance, I am attempting to connect to a website (i.e. google, etc) to download a software on my simulated network. However, the guides ...
Hi AllI was wondering if it is possible to use PRTG networking monitoring on a Packet Tracer self-made network. I believe that theoretically it would be possible if I can install PRTG using a browser on the Packet Tracer. Has anyone tried doing so? I...
Hi all,I have set up an ASA firewall 5506x on packet tracer connected to a Multilayer Switch. I have configured ICMP to allow ping through + for the firewall to inspect icmp (through the use of Access-list permit icmp any any + policy-map global poli...
Hello, I am new to networking and was wondering if anyone can tell me what is the difference (like in what situation will I need to use them) amongst the following commands for cisco ASA:1. inspect icmp - for policy-map global_policy2. access-list ic...
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Member Since ‎09-12-2022 08:16 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-20-2023 03:53 AM
Posts 5