Hi, I have a question regarding the DTMF tones on a Cisco CUBE? Is it possible to identify what DTMF tones are pressed by calling/called party on a CUBE router during the call? We are using SIP rtp-nte events on both call legs.I have managed to do t...
Hello everyone,Since I am pretty new in a CCX "Outbound campaign" world, could anyone please explain what this means in CCX 12.5 Design guide?Unified CCX Outbound DialerUnified CCX supports the following outbound dialers with Cisco Agent Desktop:Unif...
Hello, I need your help regarding obtaining some values from a JSON array in UCCX? Here is a JSON file example:{ "took": 252, "timed_out": false, "hits": { "total": { "value": 1, "relation": "eq" }, "hits": [ { "_sou...
Hello guys,Does anybody know what's the point of "offer-all" at the end of the "voice-class codec" command?Doesn't CUBE sends all codecs from the "voice class codec" even if we do not configure this "offer-all" or maybe I miss something?Best Regards,...
"Dear" b.winter,this is my third or fourth post here and on all of them you have the same comment:"...you would have found out yourself, if you would have googled 2 mins". Before I wrote here, I had been googling and testing a lot of different debugg...
Hi Jonathan,probably you are right, but they could explain it in a better way. I don't understand why they mention CAD in the Design guide for UCCX 12.5 and then write a Note like this for the Finesse.Thank you for the answer.BR,TC
Thank you, Anthony. That is exactly what I was looking for. I have to test this on a bigger JSON file with a different kind of data, so we will see how it will go.BR,Tom C
A JSON file contains pairs - attributeID, value. I just know the attributeID (not the element position in array) and want to read the values for that attribute. That's why I need some kind of filter where attribueID is going to be defined.