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Member since ‎06-14-2005

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Require to upgrade Cisco 3650 from Everest-16.06.06 -> Gibraltar-16.12.4. The 16.12 release note below list the step of upgrading process. Part of the process will remove the existing and new images. Question : What is the process/steps of recovery i...
Is there a CatOS command equivalant to "terminal length 0" for IOS ?I writing a Expect script and I have CatOS with don't accept this command.Hope there is something that allow it no stop at [more] prompt.At the same note, from "show version" what is...
Catos equivalent command of IOS : show int vlan 888I having issue when finding vlan information.
I receive replies with (DUP!) errors. I read that it due to two device replies to the same ping request.I can't seem to find further details on the subject. I trace the IP in question and it was drilled down to 2 switches with ESX server behind the p...
when I normally need to trace a server connect to a switch, I trace from core > distribution > access. 1. Ping server2. sh arp | inc ip_address3. sh mac-add | inc 0000:0000:0000Question is why do I normally get to the access switch, I do same squeenc...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-14-2005 10:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-11-2020 10:53 AM
Posts 14
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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