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Member since ‎07-30-2005

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We have a pix 506E in Mexico but we do not have a static IP. We just replaced our pix 515 with an ASA 5510. But now when the IP changes in Mexico on our DSL connection we lose our VPN connection. I was told by TAC to match the psk in my default L2...
Anyone can recomend a good reference on how to set up IPSEC hairpining? we have an ASA in one city and a pix in the other. We want to be able to vpn in to one and tunnel to the other if needed.
I have an ASA 5510 with the CSC module.I've tried to enable IM blocking in the global objects group but i can still open up a yahoo messenger account. what else do I need to enable via the GUI to have IM blocking enabled?Second Question. for P2P bl...
OK, might be a dumb question but wanted to know when setting up the CSC SSM network module and management interface if I will need to have a seperate VLAn set up for the management network to be able to have my traffic scanned by the CSC device and t...
I ran in to problems yesterday at a customer where I could not get any of my ACLs working correctly. Outbound Internet worked fine but nothing could come in via the ACLs. Does this config look ok? The customer has a lot of internal problems with the...
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Member Since ‎07-30-2005 05:31 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 19
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