Dennis Perto
Level 5
Level 5
Member since ‎05-04-2015

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If you find any data that is incorrect, please contact me and I will correct this fact sheet.FP82502x Intel Xeon E564548GB DDR3 1333MHz64GB System SSDPossible Malware Storage Pack 480GB SSD2x Netronome NFE-3240FP82604x Intel Xeon E56452x 48GB DDR3 13...
Cisco recently announced two high-end next generation firewalls primarily for service providers and data centers. Based on data released from Cisco I have filled out the voids with my own tentative data.If you find any data that is proved incorrect, ...
Hi all I have two 5525-X sensors blocking all traffic until they are restarted. This happens once a day. Accordingly to the ASA they do not fail so they do not trigger a failover event. Virtual Firepower Management Center versin Sensor ...
This sheet was originally intended to show how much of the hardware resources the Firepower module could access. Later on I added data for older ASA firewalls.If you find any data that is incorrect, please contact me and I will correct this fact shee...
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Member Since ‎05-04-2015 03:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-10-2022 12:04 AM
Posts 251
Total Helpful Votes Received 200