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Member since ‎04-01-2010

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Hey Everyone,I have an ASA 5510 which works great except I'm unable to connect to the remote access VPN from inside the network (behind the ASA). Is there a special NAT exemption required? What am I doing wrong here?Here's my running-config (sanitize...
I'm attempting to debug an ipsec tunnel on an ASA 5510 (8.4(3)) and when I turn on `debug crypto ipsec` and then execute `logging monitor` I get an constant stream of TCP debugging events, is it possible to only view ipsec messages?
I think I'm having an issue with NAT translations coming from the inside network designated for the ASA's outside interface.Networks:External (ASA GE0/0):     216.x.x.34Internal LAN (ASA GE0/1): configuration:nat (outside,o...
Internal Network: VPN Clients: (L2L) Network: VPN Clients are able to access the internal network without issue, but are unable to access the remote network. ...
I'm replacing our current router with an ASA 5510 running 8.4(3) and I'm having what I think are NAT issues.From the subnet, I'm able to reach the outside world (via NAT/PAT) without any issues. However none of the internal subnets (e....
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Member Since ‎04-01-2010 01:32 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
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