Awesome mxl_vt! That is great news! This issue is truly a pain because the majority of my users are not experiencing the problem. Its just a handful and there isn't really anything the same about any of them other than Windows (so far).
Hi mxl_vt,Excellent news! I am sorry everyone for my delayed response. TAC has been slow I am still pending a WebEx. The last update I received was that a downgrade to 4.10.04071 was also documented. We are not able to downgrade as this version satis...
Thanks again for the feedback. I will be playing the same game with TAC. I can't believe more people haven't reported this issue its very intermittent but widespread. Our sysadmin teams have also gone through the uninstall/reinstall AnyConnect, OS re...
Thanks, we did that before. I have a TAC case open, hopefully some additional pressure to truly resolve will help us all. Thank you for the feedback on the workaround that was provided.