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Member since ‎08-23-2005

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Hello everybody,I use the interface call manager administration for the version 4.1(3) and I want to add a new user. The problem is that during this there is no password field. I can't specify a password for my new user. There is id and pin field but...
Hello everybody,I have an application which captures JTapi events, filters them and notify an other application. I would like to have a backup system. If the application crashes, an other server can relay the first server which contains the applicati...
Hello everybody,I want to use the AXL serviceability API and I don't find this wsdl file : risport.wsdl.In this documentation I read that this file contains Cisco Cal...
Hello everybody,I have an application which captures JTapi events, filters them and notify an other application. I would like to have a backup system. If the application crashes, an other server can relay the first server which contains the applicati...
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Member Since ‎08-23-2005 06:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 6
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