in a scenario with dual 6500s, is it possible to centrally manage both switches and publish the config to ea? Also, does the 6500 fully support HSRP to keep one as a standby switch.
For the last 2 weeks in a row i have reports of connectivity loss at ~540 PM. I have a syslog server that is not showing anything.. The loss seems confined to a 3500XL that has a fiber link to a 4507. All ports on the 3500 are on VLAN1. Some users h...
last monday at ~540 several users on the network reported a momentary outage observed by a link disconnect icon on their workstations. This was repeated today. After the first outage i installed a syslog server. The log shows several interfaces go...
i keep noticing the following events, is it possible this is simply from workstation reboots or is something else more likely going on?2005-12-14 07:38:44 Local7.Error 6351: 006471: Dec 13 08:30:40: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/...
makes sense, we disable portfast on all switchports going to switches.i found this in my 4507:2w1d: %C4K_CHASSIS-7-FANSGOOD: Fan failure fixed or new fan tray inserted 2w1d: %C4K_CHASSIS-2-INSUFFICIENTFANSDETECTED: Too few working fans, the chassis ...
would that explain that it happens once a week at the same time?I thought disabling spanning-tree portfast allows switches to connect to the switchports.
The patch panel has been in place for quite some time. Prior to the 4507 there were 2 4006s and everything worked fine. A single 4507 replaced the 4006s and workstations went to 3000 series switches connected to a 6 port fiber card in the 4507. The...
IOS (tm) C3500XL Software (C3500XL-C3H2S-M), Version 12.0(5)WC13, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)all users are in a single vlan. The ports vary in the switch, there are no commonalities that i can see. i have attached the sh logging.thanksBK
unfortunately its all 1 vlan.i am seeing some buffer errors now that were not prevously seen. Cisco says these are typically caused by memory leaks in the ios, what else would cause this, is it a cause for concern? Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not ...