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Member since ‎05-08-2015

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I have tried setup asa to accept Remote access VPN traffic.  I can connect with VPN, but the VPN client can't do anything after VPN connection has been established. Client can't ping inside or outside or asa. I can ping anything from inside ASA. I f...
Hi! I've been having trouble connecting to my ASA.  I tried: debug crypto isakmp 254   and received a lot of info, but I'm not sure what is wrong.  Any ideas? Please se textfile
I've been trying to configure an ASA-5505 for remote access behind a Cisco 892 internet connected router with no luck. When trying to connect with VPN, I can't even contact the ASA, from inside or outside. Some info from ASA config: interface Vlan20 ...
Hi! | internet  <-> Cisco Router <-> ASA 5505 | I have the above configuration and would like to forward only VPN traffic to my asa 5505 I made this statement in Cisco Router (Cisco 892): ip nat inside source static udp 500 interface G...
I'm trying to configure my router for a classic adsl home network, with internet - modem - router 892 with builtin switch.It's Ciscos builtin switch which confuses me, I think...I have a working outside wan interface (gi8) to my modem (While logged i...
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Member Since ‎05-08-2015 09:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 19
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