Joshua Schaffran
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Member since ‎03-20-2023

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I am having some issue with getting PXE working on our network.  We have 1 switch that PXE works on, but it really make no sense as to why it works there and on no of the others.  We have our campus core which is a 6880 which host both our server VLA...
Hello, I have been trying to connect my CCO ID to my CSPC so that I can run the software updates.  Whenever I try to connect the account through the CLI or the GUI Web interface I am met with Validation of credentials failed.  Validation of Credentia...
I created my account with SNTC on Thursday 16Mar2023 and received the emails saying that my account was ready to go and to allow 24 hours for the back end to do what it needed to do.  I am trying to get in today so that I can look at a few things and...
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Member Since ‎03-20-2023 09:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-03-2024 12:01 AM
Posts 8