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Member since ‎03-03-2003

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You guys have helped me here alot, and I have two more questions.I just want some verification from more experienced people about my proposed setup.We have 4 buildings and I am planning on the following wireless setup.Building #1 - BR350 RootBuilding...
I got a job that wants to charge users who visit their business for Internet access. We are looking into putting Cicso 1200 series WAPs into a few rooms. We are concerned someone with a laptop will be able to boot their machine up and using DHCP g...
Ok, so far I got the building to building bridges down. I am going to use the Aironet 350 Bridge for a point to multipoint configuration.Now, the inside LAN portion of this wireless network.I see Cisco has 1100 and 1200 series WAPs. Which one shoul...
I am looking for a wireless solution to connect about 5-6 buildings together. All buildings are within 1500 feet of each other. I need some informationon the exact wireless hardware need to make this work.All buildings are in line of sight of each ...
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Member Since ‎03-03-2003 11:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 4