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Member since ‎05-09-2023

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Could a many to many test be an option, Where we have mutiply DC's we want to run thoughput tests between them all. At the moment that means setting on a seperate test for each DC's with a single way thoughput tests and then adding all the other DC T...
Hi, I have a need to move the Default route from the global root table to a VRF, so what i want to do is pull the existing route from the running configuration in to a variable so i can then apply it under the interface. The inbuilt variables do not ...
Hi, I am trying the following API call from pything and the responce i get is below,  can any one tell me why it is failling, it does give a 202 reponce code with the message "message" : "The request has been accepted for execution" but then it comes...
I am not sure if any one can help me with this but when looking at the APi documentaion for DNAC a call for something like https://<server>dna/intent/api/v1/site-healthonly gets a point in time from what i can see, I dont see how to pull back a statu...
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Member Since ‎05-09-2023 09:09 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-15-2025 05:11 PM
Posts 11
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