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Member since ‎03-11-2003

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Everytime I change the enable password on my Catalyst 6000 I am not able to log back onto it. I have to keep rebooting the switch to reset the password. Any ideas why it seems to loose the enable password that I set??Thanks
With PIX 6.3, what is the config to setup a client that is on a private network, and behind a PIX, to pass through this PIX and make a VPN connection on a remote PIX?
Can the 2500 series router support a peer-to-peer VPN IPSec tunnel to a PIX 535 firewall??
Can a VPN IPSec tunnel be created between a PIX 501 and a PIX 535? Does the PIX 501 support peer to peer static VPN tunnels?
How do you setup "transparent tunneling" for a VPN connection from behind a PIX?
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Member Since ‎03-11-2003 06:39 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 19