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Member since ‎09-16-2009

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We are having an issue using the cisco ise 1.1.2 and a 3750x (Version 12.2(58)SE2)When the radius sends a reauthentication CoA message to the switch, the switch responds with a 'session contect not found' reply. I have upgraded the code to the latest...
Currently using Cisco ISE 1.1 to authentication both dot1x and mab from Cisco switches. Both features are authenticating properly.When we use a Nortel/Avaya switch for the authenticator, we are unable to authenticate using mac bypass (non-eap (or nea...
Is it possible to limit the association time for one user/mac address over a 24 hour period? Client has a hot-spot and wants to make sure it is not abused. Current system:wlc 4402, in advance for the help.
Is it possible to use a custom login.html page when web auth/passthrough is used with email input? I have a requirement to only have the users register with an email address and I need to provide a custom page. I get the custom login pages, but I can...
I am tring to create a custom splash page for a hot spot using AP1522's / WLC4402. Code level is I have used Web-Passthrough with email input. This is fine for me but I would like to customize the email input page. Maybe there is ...
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Member Since ‎09-16-2009 10:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 15
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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