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Member since ‎05-04-2017

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Hi,I'm having some issues on two Cisco stacks build with SG350X switches and connected together with a MLAG LACP connection:I'm having the issue that many Grandstream VoIP phones connected to the SG350X-48P units are disconnecting suddenly and themse...
Hi. Is there a way to monitor the stack status on SG500X and SG550X switches using SNMP? I tried using the object cswRingRedundant (OID, but it is not available on these switches. Thanks!
Hi. I configured a LAG into a stack composed by 2 x SG550X-48 (Units 1/2) and SG550X-24 (Units 3/4). The LAG1 is configured with LACP on GE3/4 and GE4/4 ports.   The problem is that the GE4/4 port is recognised as a standby member:   even if the lin...
Hi. I have a stack with 2 x SG500XG-8F8T switches. I need to add some gigabit ports, so I will buy 2 x SG500-52 switches which are also stackable. Do you advise me to add the SG500-52s to the existent stack made by SG500XG-8F8Ts switches or to create...
Hi, I have two SG500XG-8F8T switches in stack up and running into my data center. Now I have to add new 10 Gbit ports because both switches are full. I know that SG500XG-8F8T is out of sale, so what kind of switch I can add to the stack to have 16 mo...
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Member Since ‎05-04-2017 01:56 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-13-2021 06:13 PM
Posts 8