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Member since ‎09-21-2015

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I have some 9348 leaf that only has (2) uplinks and I have 3 spines.  Is it a valid and supported design to have the leaf connect to only 2 spines in a 3 spines fabric?  
Would Mutlisite support Shared L3OUT configured in common tenant in each of the Site?  What version of APIC and Multisite support this feature?  Thanks.
I am configuring a lab ACI Multipod with only 1 IPN.  I am  having issue where I cannot communicate from Pod1 to Pod2.  Though I am able to bring all nodes in both up and register to the fabric.  Could it be having a single IPN an issue with multicas...
Hi all, I have this scenario:  2 Bridge Domains (A and B) in ACI have default-gateways outside of the fabric.  In each BD, L3 is not on, flooding is on.  Will traffic from an EPG in BD A to another EPG in BD B traverse outside of fabric to the defaul...
The question is when asking for a VTEP pool to configure ACI fabric, do you ask for non-overlapping IP pool or overlapping is OK?  I understand that the VTEP pool is only used within the fabric (for now) but with the direction of Multi-pod, multi-pod...
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Member Since ‎09-21-2015 09:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-30-2021 09:21 AM
Posts 41