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Member since ‎01-21-2011

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This past networkers I was at the Cisco booth discussing how the 2248 can connect to the 5548 and have server connectivity.  It was told to me that now, as of a fairly recent NX-OS release, you can have the 2248 going dual-homed to both 5548 via VPC ...
This past networkers I was at the Cisco booth discussing how the 2248 can connect to the 5548 and have server connectivity.  It was told to me that now, as of a fairly recent NX-OS release, you can have the 2248 going dual-homed to both 5548 via VPC ...
So I've been reading and teaching some basic CCNA stuff.  I was asked why the original VLAN range is what it is and what made the extended VLAN range it is what it is.  Does anybody have any insight or clarification into this?  The max I can find is ...
Hey Guys,I'm beating my head and probably missing something simple, I have an ASA running 8.4(2) 5520 trying to do an inbound NAT from the internet to the machine.  THis is what I did interface INETsecurity-level 0 interface DMZ security-level 90 obj...
I have an FWSM module broken into several contexts and interfaces, it seems that whenever I push 500-550Mbit through it that it starts to create latency in the 100 times normal range for connections as simple as a ping.  I saw a reference on cisco hi...
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Member Since ‎01-21-2011 07:01 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-17-2019 10:00 AM
Posts 9