This past networkers I was at the Cisco booth discussing how the 2248 can connect to the 5548 and have server connectivity. It was told to me that now, as of a fairly recent NX-OS release, you can have the 2248 going dual-homed to both 5548 via VPC and then have a server connected to both 2248 and be in active-active mode. Is this correct?
When we first deployed our 5548 and 2248 we had to put the 2248 in a straight pin mode, where it only had connections to one 5548 and then the server would dual connect to the 2248's and be in active-active mode. I was told that this changed with an NX-OS release however documentation still seems to be fragmented on what exactly is the case. Anyone have exerpeince or knowledge into the latest releases and capabilities?