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Member since ‎06-27-2012

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I've run across a major issue with these units with regard to DTMF.  They DO NOT filter the user's tones when dialing towards something that  needs DTMF. Our gateways and SIP providers expect DTMF to be sent via  AVT (RFC2833). What's happening is th...
SPA122 running Beta FW 1.2.0 (Although this bug is present all the way back to 1.0.1)Start with a completely defaulted ATA. Configure proxy address, sip user, and sip password.Originate a call from the FXS port. After call is answered by far end, dia...
I've run across an interesting issue. SPA 122 running Beta FW 1.2.0. If you attempt to make a call immediately after the line light comes on - unit registers to server - the box locks up. You cannot browse to it, and the line gets stuck with dial ton...
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Member Since ‎06-27-2012 08:29 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 9