Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎11-26-2014

User Statistics

  • 530 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 1251 Helpful votes Given
  • 36 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

HiWe have a pair of ASA 5516-X firewalls in the DC. In 2021 we did not renew the support contract as we were migrating services off the firewalls. However there is  VPN still on the firewalls that we cannot move due to 3rd party constraints so are lo...
Hi We have 2 DCs both with HA pair of ASA5516-X firewalls. I use the management interfaces for management purposes. I was trying to configure logging to a syslog server. Syslog server IP is logging config is:logging host management 10.10...
Hi We have 2 DCs both with HA pair of ASA5516-X firewalls. I use the management interfaces for management purposes. I was trying to configure logging to a syslog server. Syslog server IP is logging config is:logging host management 10.10...
Hi I am in the process of reconfiguring all the outside access rules and NATs as we are migrating to a new public IP range. My question is about the best practice when configuring the NAT and access rules. I want to only use manual NATs. 1) Should th...
Hi I have a single ASA running in context based mode. So it has the system context and a Firewall context. I want to attach a secondary ASA to this to run a HA pair.I understand the configs required if the ASA was not in Context mode. My question is,...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-26-2014 11:24 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-02-2022 09:06 AM
Posts 530
Total Helpful Votes Received 36
Community Spotlight Award
Mobile User, January 2015