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Member since ‎06-17-2009

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Dear Experts,I'm working in a company that acquired another company which in turn was having a number of IP Phones' Licenses (7970 and 7960) to operate with CMENow, the curent company wants to buy a new vwrsion of the CMDCan we utilize the IP Phones'...
Dear Experts,I want to deploy a CISCO voice system for my under-construction company with the following details:-15 users (expandable for 35 users)One PRI + 4 Analogue Lines (local calls done via Analog and national calls via PRI)We have 2 branches i...
Dear All,I have Call Manager 5.1.3, and I do not know how to configure the Conference Feature?
Dear All,I have ASA 5510, and I want to use one Ethernet port of it as like sub-interfaces in which I want it to have two IPs.Somebody told me that I can configure something called virtual zones !consulting your expertise, how can I do this?
Dear All,I have ASA 5510, and I want to use one Ethernet port of it as like sub-interfaces in which I want it to have two IPs.Somebody told me that I can configure something called virtual zones !consulting your expertise, how can I do this?
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Member Since ‎06-17-2009 09:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 6