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Member since ‎04-09-2010

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I'm new to Cisco and am unsure that the posts I've seen answer my question, so I thought I'd ask it directly:We have a ASA5510 version 7.0(8); our public ip is can I open TCP ports 3230 - 3243 and UDP ports 3230 - 3285 for 192.168....
I recently started to look into the configuration of the 6 2950 switches that have been setup "forever" and need help understanding something.   Is there a specific uplink port or does the switch automagically know?Here's our setup:Internet -> PIX 50...
I'm new to the world of Cisco, so here we go:We have 5 2950 switches that are all connected through ports 23 and 24 with the final one going to our Win 2k3 DHCP/DNS server.  There is only 1 Vlan (as far as I can tell) that are all working fine.  Howe...
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Member Since ‎04-09-2010 02:14 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 7