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Member since ‎06-01-2012

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hey folks,I have these two brand spanking 5540's which would be configured in a HA design(Active/Standby)The only bugger is this client has no spare IP's which can be used on the inside nor the outside.Yes, all I have been given is two IP's(inside an...
An interesting problem that I have come across folks.S2S between and CP and a CISCO 2600 router.The tunnel comes up like a charm, but when interesting traffic hits the cisco router, i get the below error:%CRYPTO-4-RECVD_PKT_MAC_ERR: decrypt: mac veri...
Helloo All,This has to be the most weirdest issue I have seen since the past year on my ASA.I have an ASA 5540 running the 8.4(2) code without any issues until I stumbled upon this problem last week and I have spent sleepless nights with no resolutio...
Helloo All,This has to be the most weirdest issue I have seen since the past year on my ASA.I have an ASA 5540 running the 8.4(2) code without any issues until I stumbled upon this problem last week and I have spent sleepless nights with no resolutio...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-01-2012 04:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 88
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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