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Member since ‎01-21-2008

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I am able to successfully install this version in Windows 8 and use it with the 442 error registry re-name workaround. Once I restart my computer, my internet access will no longer work. The adapter and settings aren't listed in ipconfig. I have a br...
I have a very simple setup and I want to be able to broadcast the WOL packet from inside the network when I VPN inside. If WOL over VPN is not possible, then I'll leave a computer on inside the network that I will connect to and use to send out the W...
Hello,I am trying to create an easy VPN server on the Cisco 831. When I "test" the Easy VPN it says that it tested successfully, but when I attempt to VPN into the router from the Windows XP built in VPN client, I am unable to connect.Does someone ha...
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Member Since ‎01-21-2008 07:15 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 12