Hi,i just looked and there is a known defect:http://tools.cisco.com/Support/BugToolKit/search/getBugDetails.do?method=fetchBugDetails&bugId=CSCtl68802please check if that applies to your scenario aswell.thanks...Matthias
Hi,i my mind the goal of having 2 fabrics is to have real redundancy. In other words, the host is connected with one HBA to fabric 1 and with another HBA to fabric 2.The same on the other end where the storage sits.This is the typical san configurati...
Hi,you are saying you have 3 routers connected to tokenring networks. I assume you are saying 1 in the branch and 2 at the headend.Can you clearify when you say "the first equipment start to down". Is this the dlsw peer or the dlsw circuits?If my und...
Hi,at canureach_ex is a test or a contextless xid. If you have reachability over a specificpeer it is send to this peer only. If there is no reachability it is send to all connected peers. If the other ends status is FOUND local and it is less than 4...