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Member since ‎12-05-2012

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How often does the CEF table get updated on a 7604 router with 7604-SUP7203B-PS card and IOS: Advanced IP Services v15.1(3)S3 SSH - thanks!
                  Is there any physical or technical diferrences between PWR-3845 AC/2 and PWR-3845 AC?  We are trying to order replacement parts and wondering if PWR-3845 AC is for one power supply and AC/2 means you get two with one order -Thanks!
CISCO 3945 Routers - Are the 3945 Router power supplies load balanced by default?   We are trying to determine if our switch/server rack at our remote location has maxed out it's power load requirements.  I just need to know if the 3945 power supplie...
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Member Since ‎12-05-2012 07:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-02-2017 02:14 PM
Posts 5