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Member since ‎02-27-2006

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Hello,After 10 seconds the number inserted on a phone is cleared from the display if you don’t press the Dial button. This happens in onhook situation. Thus somebody knows how to change this time?Thanks in advance,Dennis
Hello, Can anyone help me with the exact roaming values of a Cisco 7925 phone?The phones are connected via a wlc from Alcatel.The phones are changing ap’s constantly even staying on one spot.Do to the roaming there are gaps in the call.Now the Alcate...
Hello,I have a problem using webdailer on a ccm 4.2.3 version.When I use a country code the dialing takes forever.So dailing 00612345678 goes without any problems the phone dials directly the number.Putting 00031612345678 in front of the number and t...
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Member Since ‎02-27-2006 11:49 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 3