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Member since ‎09-07-2009

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Hi,We are using ACS 5.2 and we are trying to create a Microsoft Active Directory (AD) Identity Store. We have a user to be used in the Active Directory creation General page and we would like to know how the test communication / ACS to AD communicati...
Hi All,I'm currently working on ACS 5.1 to use it as AAA server for Netscout NGenius.I followed a guide for ACS 4.2 and tried to replicate the configuration settings in ACS 5.1.     - created a host profile on network devices and AAA clients having t...
hi!i'm trying to configure authentication rules, wherein the users would use their ACS 5.1 user accounts to login to devices, and have the enable password be authenticated via RSA.i'm quite confused as to how to do this configuration in ACS 5.1.i wou...
hi everyone!i want to clarify the entry in the supported devices tables for lms 3.1 and lms 3.2 for cisco 10008. it says that pre4 card and the other spa cards are not supported. does this mean that i cannot use ciscoworks to monitor cisco 10008? has...
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Member Since ‎09-07-2009 08:53 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 6
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