Ahmed Chowdhury
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎03-18-2010

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  • 40 Posts
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Hi Folks, We have an WLC 5508 where our 1st AP is connected and its working fine. Unfortunately i cant lay cable , that's why want to use the other 2 AP's as an Repeater so that it can Broadcast the same SSID as the 1st AP broadcasting. How can i do ...
hi,i have two core router one is DC end and another is DR end. every branch office is connected to this two routers. DC and DR router also connected through a vendor. my requirement is when the connection between DC and DR failed then i dont want tha...
hii m configuring Asa 5510 with nat. i have some internal servers. my clients requirement is to hide the original loacl ip of servers. thats why i using static nat. so the outside world only know the real ip(x.x.x.x), then it is natted into a server ...
hi,i have configured remote access vpn on my 2801 router's gio0/0 int ip x.x.x.1. i connected my laptop through vpn client from internet. i connected successfully and my vpn router gives me the assigned ip block y.y.y.1. from my laptop i can ping the...
hi,I have two 4503 switches connected individually two 5510 Asa. My web server is under 5510 dmz interface. From Two 5510 Asa dmz interface  there are two cables connected to two individual server farm switches.The web server in connected to this ser...
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Member Since ‎03-18-2010 03:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-04-2021 07:18 AM
Posts 40
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