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Member since ‎08-05-2012

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I created a topology for my class and it had some bugs, I believe I have worked them out but I wanted to know if someone would confirm that it would run fine since I am still new to this. I drew a diagram with PS so just let me know what you think
Ive been using GNS3 to run some of my practice labs and Im trying to use the SDM to get familiar with it. I have all the settings I believe I need on the router to be able to connect with the router. I can ping it from the command prompt, I can open ...
I have been trying to get a PIX 501 firewall reset and have been having the hardest time. Im a student and this is my first experience with a firewall. I have been going through the steps here http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/vpndevc/ps2030/pro...
I am a little new to this and still going to college, I see you guys have really good support here. I bought a 3500XL switch off ebay to help me learn some cisco equipment as my instructor suggested it would be of great help getting ahead. I have don...
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Member Since ‎08-05-2012 07:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
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