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Member since ‎03-23-2012

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Hello,My scenario is: Cisco Callmanager 5.1 clustered                         Cisco Unity 4.2I need to configure an auto attendand for all incoming calls in the company. I need to record a message anouncing different options for the different departm...
Hello,Te scenario is: Cisco Callmanager 5.1 clustered                         Cisco Unity 4.2There are three people that don't want to have voicemail, because they stay out of the office for 2 weeks every month. They told me If I can configure in the...
Hello,One month ago, I start using my UC540 with a Voice Ip carrier to do some tests. The carrier is Vozelia in spain.After configuring the trunk it starts working finde, making and receiving calls.One week ago inbound calls start failing. I told the...
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Member Since ‎03-23-2012 12:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 6