Hi AllWe're experiencing some troubles with VPN status detection.Problem detected:We receive a call from the end point saying they cant establish VPN.Log says: ''IP = 79.x.x.x, Duplicate Phase 1 packet detected. Retransmitting last packet."Asa ...
Hi allWe've have a 2 SGE2010-48 port, stacked.4 LAGS are denifed, two on primary, whitch are working, two on slave unit are NOT working.Devices connected to LAGS are de the same and same configuration (Cisco ASA 5510).Any way to fix this?
Hi all,I've enabled antispoof on all interfaces on asa 5510If you start a traceroute to a network on the default route, everything works, since replies comes to an interface with route defined.If you start a tracer route to a network that i...
Hi allWe've setup l2tp on asa, everything works except the default domain which is not set. This is required beacuse all links does not contain full dns:this is cisco config:ip local pool ClientVPNAddressPool mask 255.255.255...
Hi all!I'm having some troubles with NAT, packets does not match nat rule (that i think it should) and is not choosing the right egress interface. So crypto map never startsthis is the relevant config:interface Port-channel2.4 description Public TESA...
Hi David.YEs, I'm 100% sure they're stacked, in fact to I added de 2/gxx ports if it wasn't stacked I couldnt add ports of second units.The problem is that i'm seeing strange messages on asa consoles, something like get_intergace: INVALID_NICNUM XXXX...
Hi!LOL my HW point of sales (or distributor) does NOT have a clue of what that is, and also i'm not getting any sw updates from cisco despite it's on guarantee period (we bought it 3 weeks ago). Cisco software download requieres service contract...
What is a TAC? and how do I open it?FYI:This FW is new I tried to download firewall updates from cisco download center but says i need a "service contract", I called Cisco spain asking for it and they says it's on guarantee so yes but I have to call ...
Hi!Thanks for answering.so the stack isip --> Un encryptedipsec pppl2tp¿ethernet?What kind of Client VPN could I do so i can send DNS sufix?Thanks again!
Hi!Thanks for answering.1) Yes i had those routes,2) I can't add users interface, because our local nets are in different interfaces.3) For testing I did what you said, and didn't worked.4) I managed to fix it, but i'd say it's a kind of bug, nat mat...