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Member since ‎08-09-2016

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  • 66 Posts
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  • 45 Helpful votes Given
  • 42 Helpful votes Received
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Hello,as some of our customers have reduced their ressource requirement we are putting a few of our M5 servers out of service.However we are putting these servers on hold for a possible use in the future.My question is: if we do not have a running Ci...
Hello,we are looking at the M6 and M7 servers at the moment to do a lifecycle of some of our C240 SFF M5 servers.On the pictures I have seen of the new server generations it looks like the disk trays are similar to the M5 type.Does anyone can confirm...
Hello, I would like to upgrade my network uplink from 10G to 20G with the following setup:- UCS C240 M5 with VIC1457 (UCS Firmware 4.1(3h))- VIC1457 Port 1 connected with 10G to FEX A (Cisco Nexus 2232PP) and Port 3 with 10G to FEX B (also 2232PP)- F...
Hello, I have a blade server with two vNICs configured. One via Fabric Interconnect A and the other is directed via FI B.Now I would like to have 20G per vNIC, how do I achieve this? This is my configuration:- Server: B200 M5 | VIC: 1440- Chassis: 51...
Hello, is it possible to connect a Cisco Meeting Server 1000 (PID: CTI-CMS-1000-M5-K9) to a FEX or Fabric Interconnect and administrate the server via UCS Manager? The Meeting Server has a VIC 1457 built in so I guess this is no problem. Does anyone ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-09-2016 12:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 03:50 AM
Posts 66
Total Helpful Votes Received 42