Guillaume Gryszata
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Member since ‎05-18-2009

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Hi,Before my IPv6 lab, I thought that 6PE had the same behavior than BGP FreeCore MPLS for IPv4.I expected that the incoming IP packet on the ingress PE was labeled with just the IGP label. Forwarded to the egress PE and that the egress PE did a IPv6...
Hi,I'm trying to configure Policing on 2960G.When I use the following value for 8Mbits/s, it's seems that the policing dosn't work fine (result 140 kbits/s):police 8000000 8000 exceed-action dropI read that for a switch the burst value has to be equa...
Hi,I'm reading TE with MPLS book. The chapter about QoS explains the following rules in unifomrm QoS mode:- when push label, copy the IPP in the EXP imposed label- when imposed label, copy the received EXP into the imposed EXPAnd after, there is this...
Hi,Can you tell me what is the purpose of the "tunnel mpls traffic-eng record-route".Just for information (to have the record route in any show command) or mandatory for a particular configuration?Thx.
Hi,I am working about MPLS TE. The MPLS TE book's say that is not a good idea to configure TE tunnel per VPN. Do you know otherwise if it's possible? How to forward VPN 1 flow (VRF_1) in one tunnel and VPN 2 in another tunnel ? Do you have an idea? F...
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Member Since ‎05-18-2009 12:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 8