Format USB as EXT4 o fat32. USB needs to be lower than 64GBDownload ACI image file from ciscoCopy ACI image to USBConnect to switch via consolePlug USB into the switchCheck USB file
Switch# dir usbslot1
Switch# dir usb1
Switch# dir usb
Check disk sp...
Hi Rahil.You haven't configured an IPv6 nat prefix. This prefix is used for your IPv6 network to reach IPv4 devices.interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address duplex auto speed auto ipv6 nat!interface FastEthernet0/1 no ip address...
Hi Danny.your IPv6 nat prefix is the same as your network prefix and it should be different.interface FastEthernet0/0.890 ipv6 address 2800:410:890:1::1/64 !ipv6 nat prefix 2800:410:890:1::/96 !Change your nat prefix to a different one, for example:i...