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Member since ‎10-13-2003

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Hi,Our provider cannot provide us an ethernet access connection for one of our existing site. He propose us to start with 2 x E1 in MLPPP.I would like to know if there are some limitation using MLPPP?Also, we have a CISCO2801 in that site, and plan t...
Hi,We currently have an E3 line configured between two of our office. That E3 line is up, but from time to time it goes down and after some loop testing with the provider it comes back up.The E3 controllers of each routers are configured with the com...
Hi,Is there a way to return an error page directly from the CSS. For example if all the server are down, we would like the CSS to return a page mentioning that we currently have a technical problem.We also would like to return an other error page if ...
Hi,We would like to use the same VIP for multiple website (to use less public ips). We also would like to redirect all http request to https. For the moment we did it the following way:service HTTPREDIRECT keepalive type none type redirect no prep...
Hi,I'm trying to configure a CSS to act the following way:- initial URL needs to reach initial URL needs to reach can those two initial URL be mapped t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-13-2003 10:44 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 32