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Member since ‎02-21-2008

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I need to be able to report on a count of Accepted and Dropped connections due to policy on the Outside interface on a monthly basis. The outside interface is ifIndex.3 . Support gave me the below OID, but I'm not convinced its correct. I also cant s...
Sorry for the newb question but I'm in a new job and am having trouble grasping some basic Cisco IPS Concepts.When I do a show ver I see the OS Version being 2.4.30-IDS-smp-bigphys and the IPS Version being 7.0(1)E3.Could someone please explain the d...
My users are easily confused. I have to do RSA and Password authentication. The login looks like this:Username:Passcode:Second Password:My users heads will explore. I'd like it to say:Username:RSA Pin+Passcode:Windows Password:or something like that....
I have 2 5520's. I want to load balance them for AC VPN Sessions. If I cant get this working I'm going to the old standby DNS Round Robin.So I have a cluster IP Address and I've assigned a hostname to that IP.Lets call it:  ANYCON.TEST.COM/COS      (...
I have 2 5520's with a 50 user SSLVPN license on each. I want to use the VPN load balancing feature. Should I be sending users to the Cluster IP Address ? The documentation isnt clear on this point.Thanks,Justin
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Member Since ‎02-21-2008 11:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-12-2018 12:22 AM
Posts 42
Total Helpful Votes Received 3
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