ajay kondapalli
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Member since ‎12-20-2010

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Hi , Can any one explain me what is exactly " Throughput " which is referred in Network devices hardware comparisons.  Is this something the rate which the devices send the data per second ?  For example,  if We see Firewall throughput on ASA5520  i...
                   In my Network thtere are 2 routers Router A and Router B.which are configured    whith IBGP  relation and  these two routers are connected to 2 different ISPs with EBGP relation.my requrement is that  router A should work as  prima...
                  We have  2  Router A and B which are connected to single ISP with EBGP configuration.and in my Lan there are two vlans one is vlan 10 and vlan 20 .vlan 10's traffic is going via Router A and vlan 20's traffic is going via Router Bbu...
Hi,Can any one explain me , why do we use loopback interfaces with 32 bit subnet mask only?  Is there any special reason behind that.Likewise we use loopback interface IP addresses  in BGP network config and we advertise it using network command . wh...
Hi,I have one query on SVI creation L3 switches.  Do we have limitations to create SVIs ?  if so How many SVIs can we create maximum?I heard, we have limitation based on platform?  is it true?Thanks,Ajay
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Member Since ‎12-20-2010 05:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
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