By using ACIToolkit, I know using epg.attach(vmm) to attach the VMM to a EPG. However, how to change the Deployment type and Resolution as well?? Any example?
Hi ,I want to do the following config but failed... anyone can help me to understand how to code it?? Many Thanks!!I also have another question about how to add "redistribute connected". I can see "connected_routes" under Bgp.Instance.InstanceAs.Four...
May I know how to "no shutdown" the interface??I can only find the interface_configuration.shutdown=empty() to explicitly shutdown the interface but can't find a function to explicitly no shutdown the interface.Many Thanks!
When I create the ospf process, it shows the following error:====================================== error-type: application error-tag: operation-failed error-severity: error error-path: ns1:ospf/ns1:processes/ns1:process[p...
Hi Einar, It works when the interface is "admin shutdown". However, if the interface is up, I can't use this method.It causes me an additional step to check the interface status first before issuing this. Is it possible to "no shutdown" the inte...
Just try and error and found that I need to add "process.start = empty()" to create the OSPF process from scratch.def config_ospf(ospf): """Add config data to ospf object.""" # OSPF process process = ospf.processes.Process() process.proce...
Hi Santiago,Yes you are right. Just google that there're the abstraction for this purpose and tested work well...Thanks a lot!!import socketimport structdef cidr_to_netmask(cidr): <<<<< network, net_bits = cidr.split('/') ...
Million Thanks!! IT works like a charm! I now start understand the idea to learn ydk.One more question, is there a way to read all configurations under a specific interface??