HelloI have MDS 9148 configured with zonesets and zones, what is the quickest way to delete all zones and its zonesets rather than deleting each one by one. thanQ.
Hi Krik
I followed same steps but i couldnt install windows 2008 as i get dropped in UEFI shell and cannot progress further. can you please advise what else i missed. attached all screenshots in pdf file.
hi just checking is it still same that windows is not supported to install on flexflash sd cards. i do have 2x60G configured in mirror mode but windows installer is not able to detect that flexflash virtual drive.
I am facing same problem as flexflash SD card not detected. pls help.when i try to load windows iso i cannot see sd card but its connected and host accessible.
windows 2008 R2 on C220M4S
flexflash 2 60G SD cards configured in mirror RAID 1 mode