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Member since ‎06-27-2015

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Hello,I want to move our ISP link from the ASA to another firewall which have more capabilites like web filtering, app filtering, etc. Since I dont want to change everything right now, I have to maintain the ASA on the network for some static routes ...
Hello all, I'm trying to configure some vlans on a 2950 we have in the office. It has some old configuration and I don't want to delete it, it shouldn't give me problems at all.   Now, I have vlan 100 and vlan 115, if I decide to issue the command "n...
Hi all,I want to connect a Small Business to the 3560.I did follow this guide to try to understand how is it working: Cisco 200/300 models  > 3560interface g0/1 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q switchport mode trunk  > SG300-52Port g49Set it as t...
I have two Cisco 3560 and was trying to enable <ip routing> but it says that the command was unrecognized. Am I missing something?
Buenas, resulta que tengo 2 switches Cisco 3560 y a la hora de intentar aplicar el comando <ip routng> me dice que el comando no es reconocido. Adjunto un archivo .txt con información de la licencia.
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Member Since ‎06-27-2015 03:23 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-16-2020 09:42 AM
Posts 19