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Member since ‎09-09-2007

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hi netpros,we are running a few GRE tunnels - so far without any we have the first issue with large packets getting dropped. we changed the mtu size on the tunnel interface:interface Tunnel41 ip address 192.168.a.b ip mtu...
Hi Netpros,we have an ASA running OS version 7.2.3. All of a sudden it starts dropping packets with spoofing messages which should be allowed (and worked yesterday).106016 Deny IP spoof from (212.X.Y.Z) to 80.A.B.C on interface outsideNo changes were...
hi netpros,customer is using asa 5510 to connect to the internet via pppoe with one public ip on the outside interface (assigned through pppoe - static ip address).he now wants to publish his webserver through this ip adress. webserver is on a privat...
hi netpros,customer is running CSS in box2box redundancy and has messed around with the heartbeat link - so both became active.according to documentation there is only on ha link possible!is there any other option to get this link redundant?or should...
hi netpros,customer is running a pix behind some loadbalancing facility in ha mode which when failover occurs changes its mac address. no gratious arp is pix is not reachable for 4 hours becaude of standard arp time out of the my quest...
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Member Since ‎09-09-2007 10:35 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 38
Total Helpful Votes Received 4
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