Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎03-09-2016

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  • 58 Posts
  • 5 Solutions
  • 95 Helpful votes Given
  • 24 Helpful votes Received
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Hi,   the customer would like to save the (entire) configs of the devices affected by a VPN service deployment to a FTP server for backup. We see (on the devices) that at the end of pushing the configs to the devices NSO implicitly does a "write memo...
Hi, in a PoC the customer has come up with the following question:   How does NSO handle or can NSO handle multiple versions of the same template? Imagine the following scenario:   We have a NSO test installation and a production installation as well...
Hi, I was wondering if anybody here can come up with some good ideas on how to achieve the following: The customer wants to push some Config from a VPN service...so far so good. That works fine. He then wants to do a ping test (from PE router to CE R...
Hi,   I have a problem which I really dont understand. In one case it works, in another it doesnt.   Let's start with what works:   YANG:   leaf-list iphelper { type inet:ipv4-address { } }   The Leaf List is filled with data from W...
Hi,   I have a service which configures VPN related data on the devices. In a first test the service went and tried to configure something on the device but that didnt work. It left the device in a sort of loop trying to configure sth. it just couldn...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-09-2016 12:36 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-22-2019 06:45 AM
Posts 58
Total Helpful Votes Received 24
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