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Member since ‎05-21-2012

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So I can fail over my NAT and IPSEC VPN (DPD). I am curious can I load balance my WAN links too? Or am I just expecting too much?I have a route map that is used for fail over, I just can't quite think how I would load balance the linksip nat inside s...
Might sound silly..I thought I would just apply an ACL to the NAT rule, but the bugger says no.Trying to lock this :  ip nat inside source static tcp 3389 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 3389Down to only permitted external addresses (for ob...
Hi,I am using a Cisco 1921. I have created 3 L2L VPNs. Although I can get the tunnel of all 3 up, I can in the case of one ping the LAN IP of the router, and the 2nd on from the peer subnet, but not the other way round. If any one can make sense of t...
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Member Since ‎05-21-2012 03:55 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-09-2017 12:55 PM
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