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Member since ‎03-25-2010

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HiI need some help with the ip communicator that i am using from out of the office.I have set up VPN on a cisco SRP router which is connected on the UC560. i am using the cisco VPN client to connect to the VPN and then opening the IP communicator. it...
Hi I have configured a cisco UC520 with inbound called coming in on FXO port 0 and have configured it as a co-line.I have 4 phones set up on the system including the wireless 7921 phone, the problem is that if i answer the call on the 7921 it does no...
Hi My Client has UC560 Set up with 8 SPA504G's, they would like to create a directory list (address book)so that all the users can see it and find a numbber for a company whenever they need to.Is this possible?RegardsMahesh
HiI Would like to know if it is possible to set up a Softphone outside the network using the configuration i have:I have set up a UC560 which is connected to a managed switch and a SRP527W Router (internet), I know you normally set up a VPN on the UC...
HiI Have recently set up UC560 and the clients have a door buzzer system using BPT IT/200 which works off an analog phone; basicaly if someone presses the buzzer downstairs the analog phone rings and the client can pick it up and speak to the person ...
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Member Since ‎03-25-2010 04:13 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 30