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Member since ‎07-14-2003

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HiI have a UC540 and I would like to connect a small office to it using a small business router.In the small office I need 1 phone and 2 PC's.I have used 500 series routers in the past and connected to the UC500 using CCA and ezvpn.  I think the 500'...
HiI have a polycomm 6000 HDX registered to my VCS control, but SIP and H323.I can make video calls from the 6000 to endpoints registered to the VCS control and can recieve calls from endpoints registered to the VCS control fine.If I place a call from...
Hi,Is it possible to have/support two WAN lins on a UC520.I have a DSL service which uses PPPOE and a Sat Link using DHCP.Ca this be done in CCA or CLI?
I have a UC520 running an Auto attendant.DDI is provided by skype.When you call in on the DDI the AA plays the message, if you select option 1 it will ring an extension. All this works fine.If the extension ring no answers to voicemail you hear silen...
Hi,I have configured a SIP trunk to a UC520. The trunk registers and I can make and receive calls however I only get one way speech.Te UC is the firewall.any ideas
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-14-2003 10:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 154
Total Helpful Votes Received 11
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